The Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

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If you've ever been interested in learning more about Shiatsu massage, you've found the right website. We've put together a brief overview of the background, history, health benefits and side effects to ensure you get the most out of this traditional massage technique. Learn more about the background and methods of this traditional massage, and then find an expert in your area to experience it for yourself. Shiatsu's benefits are numerous, and don't end with physical pain.


The traditional shiatsu massage technique involves applying strong pressure using thumbs, palmsand knees, elbows, as well as other body parts. The pressure is most effective when the patient lies on their back. The massage therapist applies pressure using their own body weight. For instance the hand can be placed on the back area of the patient, while the other hand is used to apply pressure to the strained regions. This massage technique is a popular choice to massage, especially for injuries sustained from chronic injuries or sports.

Although there aren't any research studies to prove the healing benefits of shiatsu massages however, it does have many positive effects. The technique helps the body achieve balance by balancing yin and yang. This is an excellent technique to relieve stress and strengthen your nervous system. Shiatsu is so effective, some users claim it helps people sleep better at night! This article explores the healing benefits of shiatsu and explains why it is an increasingly sought-after option to relieve stress.

Side effects

Although shiatsu massage is generally regarded as a secure massage but there are a few possible adverse effects that could be linked to the practice. There are some who feel tingling around their fingers and elbows. A massage therapist can modify the pressure of shiatsu to help the massage be more comfortable. Minor side effects can include headaches or stiffness in the muscles. 전주op Most of the side effects will go away in a matter of hours, so it's advisable to drink plenty of water prior to and after the massage.

A 2005 study published in English found that shiatsu can cause labor in some women. Women at high risk of becoming pregnant shouldn't engage in the shiatsu technique because the pressure could cause miscarriage. If you're experiencing fever or are experiencing other signs that suggest you are not healthy, avoid this method. It may increase the chances of having a miscarriage. Although there is no evidence to support shiatsu as an alternative treatment for cancer or to prevent adverse effects, it is a good option to reduce certain symptoms.


The roots of Shiatsu massage haven't yet been thoroughly explored, but the ancient art has certainly influenced massage practice in many ways in the present. The Japanese government initially considered massage to be a medical profession. The Japanese government has increased the regulation and licensing of the practice, which led to various styles. Shiatsu massage was influenced by Amna, or Chinese medicine, and grew in popularity throughout Japan.

The basic concept of shiatsu is distinct in comparison to other forms of massage that typically concentrate on one or two areas of the body, like tight muscles. While traditional massage is focused on one area of the body, Shiatsu explores the links across the body and utilizes these links to treat the individual. This is why traditional shiatsu emphasizes the benefits of a meditativeand intuitive state.

Health benefits

Shiatsu massage has many benefits and is safe for infants and adults. It may help to prevent certain diseases and may even cause labor in certain situations. Massage can boost circulation, improve your immune system and even improve the appearance of your skin. It all depends on the kind of massage you choose, it may also increase your stamina. What are the benefits of Shiatsu massage? Let's look at it more closely.

Shiatsu can help improve the condition of your skin and decrease stress. Shiatsu massages can stimulate the glands that line the skin, which helps in hydrating your skin. It can also help reduce wrinkles and enhance the skin's natural glow. Shiatsu massages can aid in easing menstrual cramps, relieve depression among women, and aid in turning babies out of the womb! Shiatsu massages can be utilized to avoid morning sickness, reduce morning sickness, and improve digestion.


Shiatsu is a combination of traditional Chinese treatment and Western massage techniques. It is believed to boost the body's natural healing powers. They apply a rhythmic pressure to the body's joints in varying degree. Shiatsu massages cost between Rs 1800 and 2500 for a 60-minute session. To estimate the cost of shiatsu, discover the amount a Shiatsu massage therapist charges through their site.

Massage therapists typically charge higher than average rates to provide their services however, it's possible to find affordable alternatives. A massage at the local day spa or clinic is likely to cost more than one in the area. Therapists may also travel to your house which means you will have to pay an extra fee to cover transportation. The cost is usually higher if you reside close to a major city. Massages are not covered by the majority of health insurance plans, so you should be prepared to pay for the treatment through your own pockets.