How A Bestselling Book Title Can Skyrocket Your Sales

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Tip number one is to be sure that you are buying a toy that really is for a toddler. Sometimes we may over-estimate them and treat them like bigger children.

Shake, rattle, and roll your way out to eat. We've all gotten into a stalemate with a spouse or group of friends when deciding where to eat. Avoid annoying, "I don't care, you decide" dialog with the Urban Spoon iPhone & iPod application! Urban Spoon finds your current location via GPS. With the shake of your iPod (or by pressing the "shake" button), slot-machine style wheels spin 'round and 'round, selecting a nearby city, cuisine, and price. When the wheels stop, Urban Spoon picks a restaurant for you. If you don't like what it selects (ugh, Applebee's again?!), press the button to spin the wheels again. It's like playing Russian Roulette with your dinner plans!

The food is more satisfying. The cheeseboard [$25], and the charcuterie plate [$18[], are good as bar snacks. Have the ravioli with brown butter and sage [$22], as a main. Lunch is served between Tuesday and Saturdays and there is a great bunch of perfectly cut and toasted sandwiches. They are all served with salads too.

If you're like me, you adopted the mindset of your parents (we're not blaming our parents, because they got it from their mothers and fathers!) and the institutions of education and faith that supported a fear-based and shame-based mindset. To control large groups of people, leading by shame and fear is absolutely necessary. It's so much a part of our society that most of us have some serious unlearning to do!

I went to the book store yesterday and stumbled upon a book I've wanted for ages, Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia C. Wrede. This was first published by Tor (I love their fairly recently launched site, which is awesome because they share all the news in the genre, not just their own news, with a frequently updated site. It's worth a look.) in 1989 and I've been trying to get my hands on it since I discovered Amazon sold out of print books. Unfortunately, it was one of those books that was never available so I just silently pined away. Then yesterday I went to the bookstore and lo! There it was! In the YA section! Recently republished by Firebird, which was nothing short of a brilliant as far as Firebird goes.

Depending on how much time you have before the Open House, you may be able to assemble this Book and present it to the graduate there. If not, or if you will have many relatives from out of town coming in for the graduation, you could also create the scrapbook during the Open House. Set aside a table full of scrapbooking supplies, pictures and a note outlining what you hope to accomplish with the book. It may be helpful to note the project in the invitation or when accepting the RSVP so people can come already inspired.

Type each poem or story on its own page. Use different font styles, colors, and sizes for each page. For example, if there is a poem about Halloween, find an appropriate font that reminds you of that holiday. Use black and orange colors for the font.