Communication Is Key Be Honest With Your Website Designer

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Jump to: navigation, search will form an opinion within the first three seconds; bespoke design will help your business make an immediate impact. Most web users regularly visit big brand sites so they can clearly identify the difference between a site designed by an amateur and one that's been custom-built by a professional agency. You wouldn't decorate your high-street store with designs done by the next-door-neighbour's son - so avoid amateur prices and tired old templates.

For example, if you are a Web design firm and load "Web design" as your keyword choice, Google keyword tool says that there were 4,090,000 average monthly searches for this term. But, if you load "freelance web designer" to the search engines, there were only 49,000 searches - easier to compete with. If you do web design for small businesses and load "small business web design" you get 33,000 searches - even better. Now if you load "affordable website design" you'll get only 2900 searches. You've got a great opportunity to rank high on that search page.

Choosing fort color is also very important in creating a good website. You can go with the classic black color or try using very dark shades of grey. It is always advisable to use white as background for content-based websites.

You should be able to navigate without thinking. Clicking to various pages should be done quickly and with ease. People do not want to go on a treasure hunt for their information - this is especially true on the small mobile screens which people are increasingly using to find information. Also don't assume because you create a link people will know to click it, some users will need it spelled out to them. So simply put a "Click Here" sign or other device to ensure they get the message or the next click could be onto your competitor's site!

You could offer tutoring for children who need some extra help with their school work. You could specialize in an area that you are talented in such as English or History.

Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing. With the advent of Google AdSense, the online world changed. Many even attribute the web's fantastic recovery from the dot com bubble burst early into the millennium to the introduction of PPC programs, led by Google's moneymaking offer. Today, a lot of webmasters create hundreds upon hundreds of websites, EACH, with all of them imbued with the PPC code that earn as much as $25,000 in earnings per month. But don't be misled by such a high end statistic, as such is quite rare and is reserved for the best and most experienced PPC veterans. $400 to $4,000 would be a more realistic goal when it comes to this opportunity.

The first paragraph of your content is extremely important. On the Internet, people have very little attention span. If you cannot capture their attention within the first 3 to 8 seconds, they are going to leave your site for your competitors. So first impression is crucial and this is why you should work on your headline, sub headline and the first paragraph of every page. And you should place important keywords in the headline and first paragraph of the content to score more search engine relevancy points.