Minecraft Did Cars Therefore Crossy Road Was The Next Step

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Minecraft creators continue to be amazed with the amazing things they discover working in the sandbox game. It's proved to be a surprisingly robust programming platform, as demonstrated by this YouTuber who built an actual car in the game. The player is back and this time, they've gone even further.

Crossy Road is a game in which you play the role of chickens crossing the road. It could be easily summed up as an infinite version of Frogger. You only need to be sure to get the chicken safe however safety is never guaranteed. Now, just premium e off the throne of creating a working car, Mysticat has now recreated Crossy Read in Minecraft as they're an extremely skilled designer, and a bit of an exaggeration (actually we're jealous).

Mysticat is back to look over the specifics of how they do the specifics of the entire build to give an insight into the process. It's amazing how creative Minecraft creators are, even though I write about it often. The level of complexity is far beyond what the average Minecraft player might think.

It all comes together in the final scene with Mysticat inviting her friends to test the game out. This is where the video shows off how much fun Crossy Road would be if you were a sadist and didn't have to worry about the fate of people who walked the roads.

It's a fun ending and we're left wondering what Mysticat will do next. If it's another car-themed episode perhaps we'll see the return of the Burnout series.

In less car-driven news you can now play with Minecraft mobs looking like Lego figurines if you like fighting evolving bosses or just admire this incredibly impressive Star Wars build. Or not, we're not your dad.